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"Test Yourself" Answers


Test Yourself No. 1

1. We asked for your own view.

2. We can know God only if he reveals himself.

3. The Holy Bible.

4. We hope that you wrote "yes"!

Test Yourself No. 2

1. Two.

2. Sixty-six.

3. Agreement, or covenant.

4. Because God guided the writers of the Bible.

Test Yourself No. 3

1. By having faith in God.

2. No.

3. Very little.

4.1 Knowledge.

4.2 Trust.

4.3 Obedience.

Test Yourself No. 4

1. We asked for your own idea.

2.1 In his creation.

2.2 Through prophets and priests.

2.3 Through Jesus Christ.

2.4 in the Bible.

3. Almighty, loving, eternal, all-knowing, holy, just, faithful, merciful, one God.

4. We asked for your opinion.

Test Yourself No. 5

1. For people to live in, and to bring glory to God.

2. It was good.

3. Compare these views with the revelation of God.

4. God revealed it to us in the Bible.

Test Yourself No. 6

1. God created him.

2. He was perfect sinless and deathless.

3.1 His body.

3.2 His soul or spirit.

4. To bring God glory.

Test Yourself No. 7

1. An angel.

2. They were sinless and perfect.

3. They should not eat of the tree that gives knowledge of what is good and what is bad.

4. They disobeyed God's command.

Test Yourself No. 8

1.1 Separation from God.

1.2 Separation from our own true purpose.

1.3 Separation from one another.

1.4 Separation from the created world.

2. Adam's son Cain.

3. Sin is disobedience to God as a result of self-will.

Test Yourself No. 9

1. Karma affects more people than the sinner; Karma does not produce the right results.

2.1 Romans 5:12.

2.2 Romans 7:19.

2.3 Jeremiah 17:19.

Test Yourself No. 10

1. False.

2. False.

3. True.

4. False.

5. True.

Test Yourself No. 11

1.1 Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecies.

1.2 Jesus did miracles.

1.3 Jesus taught with authority.

1.4 Jesus did not have any sin.

1.5 Jesus is the only true way.

2. Jesus is unique, so this statement is wrong.

Test Yourself No. 12

1. We asked for your reasons. Mine are:

1.1 The Bible says he is God.

1.2 He did deeds that only God can do.

1.3 He arose from death.

2. He came to save me from my sins.

3. He died on a cross.

Test Yourself No. 13

1. By sending Christ to die for our sins.

2. Our sins separate us from God.

3. Jesus Christ.

4. By believing in Christ.

5. You have to do this yourself.

Test Yourself No. 14

1. Children of God.

2.1 Forgiveness of sin.

2.2 Eternal life.

3. The Holy Spirit.

4. The Holy Trinity.

Test Yourself No. 15

1. A newborn baby.

2. We need to do it at all times.

3.1 Obey Christ.

3.2 Give for Christ's work.

3.3 Witness for Christ.

4. Confess your sins to God.

5. To be helped to grow, and because Christ commands it.

6. Christ will come again.

Test Yourself No. 16

1. Two.

2.1 Four, God.

2.2 Six, fellowmen.

3. Trust and obedience.