The Lord Jesus shall come again. This is a clear teaching of the Bible (Acts 1:11; Matthew 24:30-31; Matthew 25:1-12; Acts 17:30-31; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11; 1 Corinthians 16:52).

But the Bible tells us quite clearly that nobody, except God the Father, knows when Jesus will come again (Matthew 24:36) and all attempts of man to figure out the exact date will be wrong. The only thing that can be said with certainty is that his second coming will mean the end of the world (Matthew 24:3) and the judgement of the wicked (2 Thessalonians 1:7-10).

It will be a joyful day for all true Christians because it will mean their full salvation (with resurrected glorified bodies and souls), but a very awful and terrible day for all unbelievers: Matthew 13:49,50; John 5:25-29; 1 Corinthians 4:5; 15:23-24; Phillipians 3:20-21.

Because that day will come suddenly just like “a thief in the night” (1 Thessalonians 5:2) we must be prepared every day for His coming. We must be wide-awake, true  Christians who follow Jesus with our whole hearts.

The Bible tells us of the very family on earth: Adam and Eve and their two sons. Cain killed his brother Abel. But afterwards we read that Cain was married (Genesis 4:17). Where did this woman come from?

God does not reveal everything to us in the Bible. He wants us to trust in Him and that is the most important message of the Bible. Many questions are not fully answered in the Bible, because they are irrelevant to us. The Bible does not say in detail where Cain got his wife. We do read in Genesis 5:4 that Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters apart from those that we read of in the Bible. The only answer we therefore have is that Cain married one of his sisters.

So don’t worry yourself too much about Cain’s wife. Cain and all his descendants died (Genesis 7:21-23). The important person to know is the Lord Jesus Christ (1 John 5:10-13). Is he your Saviour and the Lord of your life? Then you have become part of God’s family (John 1:12)

We read in Revelation 3:20: “I stand at the door and knock …” Jesus speaks in figurative terms te help the sinner to understand what it means to let the Saviour come into his life and heart. Jesus does not knock with his finger on a visible door of the human heart. No! He knocks by his Word, the Bible message when it is preached and the sinner realizes that God speaks to him personally. The sinner does not open an actual, visible door for the Lord to come in. He speaks to Jesus in prayer and ask him to enter into his life, to take away his sins and to rule over his life by the Holy Spirit. It is the same when you pray. You do not knock on a visible door. You “knock” when you speak to Him in prayer, then he hears you and answers your prayer (Matthew 7:7-8).

There is no verse in the Bible which says a woman may not preach. But it is clear from Biblical evidence that

(1) Women must not interrupt religious services where the Holy Spirit is at work by asking questions
(1 Corinthians 14:23-35).

(2) A woman is not allowed to “teach”. In the original Greek the word is “didaskein”. Here it means “to teach doctrine by authority” (1 Timothy 2:12). That is, she must not see herself as a person of authority as the apostles were.

But that does not mean that women must be passive and silent in the congregation in which they live. She is allowed to pray and proclaim the message of God just like a man. But that means that she may speak words of edification, exhortation and comfort (1 Corinthians 11:5). And all through the ages we have had women who by their example and comfort and testimonies did valuable work for the Lord. In our own country we see the differently dressed women of all denominations on Thursdays going to prayer-meetings to pray and to witness for the Lord.

Some churches have decided to ordain women as ministers who have the same status as men. Women can become ministers, elders and deacons in those churches and form part of the local church council.

So the answer is yes, some churches allow women to preach, while others do not allow them to do it. You must discuss the matter with your own minister in order to know what the rules of your church are.

Thank you for your question. You ask why there are so many churches with different ways of worship in the world, who all declare that they are on their way to heaven.

It is surely a heartbreaking fact that there are so many churches. If we read our Bible carefully we learn the following truths about the church:

1. It is Gods intention that there be only one church on earth. Read: John 17:21; John 1:16 and 1 Corinthians 12:21-31. It is quite clear that  God wants His church to be one.

2. Sin came into the world and spoiled everything that God made beautiful. So sin tries to spoil the beautiful creation of God as well. The beautiful human being that God created was made ugly by sin. Even the church, which was intended to be a beautiful body of Christ, is being spoilt by breaking it up in pieces, so we have the different church denominations.

3. Only Christ can bring unity again where there is partition (Ephesians 2:14).

4. But it is also our responsibility, as Christians of all denominations and churches of which you speak, to try and work in the direction of  the unification of the church. We must work towards the unity of the church of Jesus (Ephesians 4:3; 1 Peter 3:8 ). The unity of all believers should become more and more visible, even though people from different cultural backgrounds may prefer to worship God in different ways.

Different kinds of baptism

Many thick books have been written on the subject of baptism, and they do not all agree. One of the reasons that makes it difficult to agree is that not everybody noticed that there are different kinds of baptism mentioned in the Bible.

We read for instance of the baptism by John the Baptist. This baptism was called the baptism of repentance. Before he baptised people they had to confess their sins (Mark 1:4). This baptism is not the same as the Christian baptism.

The Christian baptism was only instituted by Christ after his resurrection and before his ascension to heaven (Matthew 28:19-20). Christians are baptised in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit according to the command of Jesus after his resur~rection (Matthew 28:19). The Christian baptism is meant for those people who trust in Christ Jesus as their Saviour (Mark 16:15-16). Therefore people who were baptised with the baptism of repentance had to be baptised again with the Christian baptism when they became Christians (Acts 19:3-5). The baptism of John the Baptist is therefore not an example of Christian baptism. The Christian baptism is sometimes called baptism in the Name of the Lord Jesus to differentiate it from the other kinds of baptism which were known at that time (Acts 19:3).

Can baptism wash away my sins?

Some Christians think that you are born again by being baptised. They think that the “water” of John 3:5 refers to baptism. But John 3:6 explains what Jesus actually meant. He was referring to a baby’s natural birth to explain that natural birth is not enough. You also need a spiritual birth. This is the work of the Holy Spirit in your heart. When you are born the first time, you are the child of your parents.
When you are born again, you become a child of God (John 1:12; Galatians 3:26).

The water of baptism reminds us of the blood of Jesus Christ which is the only thing that can wash away sins (1 John 1:7; Hebrews 9:22).

But what about Mark 16:16?

Mark 16:15-16 does not say that baptism by itself can save you. These verses make clear that faith in Jesus Christ is the only thing that can save you. So we read of the murderer on the cross who was saved without baptism (Luke 23:43), while Judas Iscariot was lost even though he was baptised (Matthew 26:24).

How much water must be used when a person is baptised?

Since it is not the water that washes away our sins, but only the blood of Jesus, the amount of water is not important. The water with which we are baptised, only serves as a symbol of what Jesus did for us with his blood. Baptism through sprinkling of drops of water is just as effective as baptism by immersion under water. So we read in the Bible that some people were baptised in a river (Acts 8:38), while others were baptised in a building (Acts 10:48; 16:33).

It is, however, useful to remember that Christ did not give his blood in a river or a bath, but drop by drop. Baptism by sprinkling with water is therefore a better reminder of what Jesus did for us.

The baptism with the Holy Spirit also helps us to find the best way. The disciples were not immersed into the Spirit, but the Holy Spirit came onto each one individually from above in the form of tongues of fire (Acts 2:3).

Why do some churches also baptise small children?

To understand why some churches also baptise the small children of believers, we need to read the whole Bible. In Genesis 15 we find that God chose one believer, Abraham, to become the father of the people of God. God made a covenant (contract) with Abraham and his descendants to be their God, and they had to obey God and be his people on earth (Genesis 17:7). The sign of this covenant was circumcision of all the males
(Genesis 17:11-14). Abraham was ninety-nine years old when he was circumcised and his son Ishmael was thirteen (Genesis 17:23-27). All boys born after that time were circumcised when they were eight days old (Genesis 17:11; 21:4).

The New Testament explains to us that this covenant was not only with the Jews, but in actual fact it is with all true believers. Anyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ becomes a partaker of this covenant and a child of Abraham (Galatians 3:29). Therefore the apostle Peter said on the day of Pentecost that the promise of God is not only for believers but also for their children (Acts 2:39).

An important change came at this time. The sign of the covenant changed from circumcision to baptism. The blood of the circum~cision pointed forward to the blood of Christ that had to flow in order to make us children of God. Jesus was the final sacrifice (Hebrews 9:12; 1 Peter 1:18-19). When false teachers tried to convince the believers in Colossae that they also had to be circumcised, otherwise they could not
be saved, the apostle Paul explained to them that they had already received the sign of the covenant when they were baptised (Colossians 2:11-12). The sign of baptism therefore means that this person belongs to the people of God. Only those who put their trust in Jesus have the right to be baptised, together with their children (Acts 16:30-34).

Do I have to be baptised again and again?

No. If I have marked my sheep with my sign and it gets lost and I find it again afterwards, there is no need to mark it again. It still bears my mark. If a person who is baptised goes astray and returns to God afterwards, there is no need to baptise him again. He still bears the “mark” of the Living God.

One is baptised only once. The other sacrament, the Holy Communion, is celebrated again and again as a witness to all.

Temptation comes from Satan (Genesis 3:1, 13; Matthew 4:1-11) and it also comes from the evil desires within us (James 1:14). Satan also uses other people and things to tempt us (Luke 10:25; 1 Corinthians 10:9). Temptations came in order to draw us away from God and to make us weak and unable to witness for God.

Jesus was tempted and he received help from God. Even though Jesus never sinned, He spent long hours in prayer gaining strength from God. We need it even more, as we find it so easy to sin. When you are tempted you need to pray for God’s help so that  you will not give in. God has promised his help and you need to claim it and not try to face temptation on your own (1 Corinthians 10:13; 2 Peter 2:9a).

Secondly you must avoid the things that you know will be temptations. You must do your part as well. You cannot expect God to help you in temptation if you go into it with your eyes wide open (1 Timothy 6:11; Ephesians 4:27).

Thirdly you must resist the devil. When you give yourself to God and accept Jesus as your Saviour, you can say ‘No’ to Satan, but only with God’s strength (James 4:7; Ephesians 6:1013).

Do not be too discouraged if you fall, but ask for forgiveness and for the ability to be more alert next time (1 John 2:1-3). When you overcome temptation, remember to thank and praise God and go on in his strength.

For some people of Africa who don’t know the Bible, the word “sin” can have various meanings. For some it means the breaking of tribal laws: transgressions against other people, against the ancestor spirits. To rectify the guilt is to bring offerings, to be punished etc. “Sin” is not punished in the next world and “doing good” is not rewarded, so they believe.

They don’t have a sense of guilt. A person commits sins when his wrong deed is discovered or when a witchdoctor find him guilty. He then regards it as unhappy but he does not feel guilty.

But the Bible as the Word of Almighty God to us, tells us what sin is. The Holy Spirit came to this world to reveal to us what sin really is. John 16:8 says of the Holy Spirit: “And when he comes, he will prove to the people of the world that they are wrong about sin and about what is right and about God’s judgment.” Sin is not to believe in the God of the Bible and in the Lord Jesus Christ, His son. (See verse 9.)

Sin is to believe the Adversary (Satan) instead of believing God’s Word. Sin is to do wrong things when tempted to do so (See James 1:13-15).

It is very important to understand what sin is, because it causes division between us and God (Isaiah 59:2). It causes divisions and strife between people too.

Jesus said the world is guilty of sin because it does not believe in him (John 16:9). Sin is to be disobedient to God and His Word (Romans 5:19). These things are contrary to His will (Galatians 5:1921).

If we want to live and die happily we must know the following things:

1. How great my sin and misery are.

Firstly: We must know our sins, because it is the cause of all our misery. We are punished because of it. We learn what sin is when we study the law of God (Romans 3:20). We must return to God like the prodigal son and admit and confess our sin (Luke 15:18,19). If we haven’t done so yet, we are enemies of God and our fellowmen.

2. How I can be saved from my sins.

Secondly: We must know how we can be saved from sin and guilt and misery. The Word of God teaches us how we can be saved. God made it possible when he sent his son Jesus to be the Saviour of sinners. By believing in Him, we are saved (Matthew 1:21). There is no other way (Acts 4:12).

3. How I can thank God for my salvation.

In the third place, it is important to show our thankfulness towards God because He saved us. We can do so by doing good works. By those works we can help our fellowmen to come to Christ.

To sum up, we can say: Sin is to allow Satan to rule our lives. But when we accept Jesus as Saviour, we belong to Him (1 Corinthians 3:23; 6:19: Titus 2:14; 1 Peter 1:1819). The child of God must always do what Hebrews 12:12 teaches.

This question is regularly being asked by our young people. Is it sin? / whether we are speaking of dancing, smoking, drinking, horseracing, gambling or something else. The answer is to test each of those things against the principles of the Word of God, so that we can know.

Before we come to the tests of the Bible, first of all you have to answer a few important questions:

1. Are you already a true child of God? If not, you don’t have to read further. Everything that you do, even your “best actions are filthy through and through” before God (Isaiah 64:6). And the holiest life does not count before God if you haven’t received Jesus Christ first of all (1 John 5:10-12).

2. Are you willing to be obedient? If you are not willing to be convinced by God / you do not need to read any further. But if you are willing to do the will of God, please read on (John 7:17).

3. Is this matter mentioned in the Bible? If the Bible clearly talks about this matter (e.g. 1 Cor. 6:9-10; Ex. 20:1-17) it is not necessary to use the following ten tests. Then we know already whether it is right or wrong.

Are you still doubtful? Let us see what God says in the Bible. Everything that we do should pass the following ten tests. Anything that does not pass all the tests, should not be in the life of a Christian. Do not do it. There are better things to do.

Ten Tests Whereby a Christian Can Know: “May I Do It Or Not?”

1. Do I wish to do it to God’s glory? “Well, whatever you do, whether you eat or drink, do it all for God’s glory”
(1 Cor. 10:31; also see Col. 3:23).

2. Is it a hindrance in my spiritual life? “So then, let us rid ourselves of everything that gets in the way, and of the sin which holds on to us so tightly, and let us run with determination the race that lies before us” (Hebrew 12:1; also read Matt. 18:89).

3. Does this lead to sin? “But now I tell you: anyone who looks at a woman and wants to possess her is guilty of committing adultery with her in his heart” (Matt.5:28; also see Romans 13:14).

4. In whose company will I do this thing? “Do not be fooled. Bad companions ruin good character.” (1 Cor. 15:33; also see Psalm 1:12).

5. Do I lead others into temptation by doing this thing? “So then, if food makes my brother sin, I will never eat meat again, so as not to make my brother fall into sin.” (1 Cor. 8:13).

6. Does it help me to win others to Christ? “While working with the Jews, I live like a Jew in order to win them … So I become all things to all men, that I may save some of them by whatever means are possible” (1 Cor. 9:20-27).

7. Am I sure that this thing is not sin? “Anything that is not based on faith is sin.” (Romans 14:23).

8. What is the end result of doing this thing? “A tree is known by the kind of fruit it bears”  (Matt. 12:33; also see James 3:10-12; 2 Cor. 6:17).

9. What would Jesus have done in my place? “Be obedient to God, and do not allow your lives to be shaped by those desires you had when you were still ignorant. Instead, be holy in all that you do, just as God who called you is holy.
The Scripture says: Be holy because I am holy” (1 Peter 1:14-16).

10. Do I help a weaker brother by doing this thing? “We who are strong in the faith ought to help the weak to carry their burdens. We should not please ourselves.” (Romans 15:1).

1. Before a young Christian goes to a disco he or she must examine his Christian strength.

He must know that there are very strong temptations present. Will he be capable of withstanding them, relying on his will power, his wisdom or faith in himself? Can he overcome the temptations in his own power? He must remember the Biblical warning: We a re not fighting against human beings but against the wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly world (Ephesians 6:12).

The devil is eager to try and let young Christians fall. He is stronger than us, we cannot overcome him in our own power. We cannot say: “We know how to behave ourselves,” or “There is nothing wrong with disco’s”. Young people go to disco’s.They see not hing wrong in it. After their watchfulness relaxes it may happen that Satan suddenly attacks them. They fall into sin and beautiful young people with a bright future wander further and further away from Jesus (Read 1 Corinthians 10:12).

2. A young Christian who goes to a disco must ask himself this question: “Can I ask God’s blessing on what I intend doing tonight?” If the answer is “Yes” let him go and enjoy himself remembering what the Bible says in Colossians 3:17.

3. If Jesus should come again while I am at the disco will I meet Him with joy? Or shall I be embarrased if he finds me in that place?

If you really intend that the will of God be fulfilled in your life I think you will be able to submit the right answer to the above question.