Bedienings Fotos...Ministry Photo's In February 2003 het Alfred vir 'n week opleiding in Maputo gaan gee vir kerkleiers asook vir die personeel van FEBA radio ('n Christen radiostatsie). Dit was baie gese�nd en hy het dit baie geniet. Hy was genooi deur 'n Mosambiekse kerkleier, Isaias Uaene. Hy is die Mosambiekse direkteur vir Feba Radio en hy het ook 'n kerkleier opleidingsentrum, CDL, begin. In February 2003 Alfred went to Maputo for a week's training of church leaders as well as the staff of Feba Radio (A Christian radio station). It was a very good time and he enjoyed it a lot! He was invited by a Mozambican church leader, Isaias Uaene. He is the Mosambican director of Feba Radio and he has also started a center for church leader development, CDL. Radio FEBA personeel in Maputo. Isaias is heel links.
Staff of Radio FEBA in Maputo. Isaias is on the left. Die Bybelskool in Maputo waar ek opleiding gegee het.
The Bible school in Maputo where I gave training. Belinda bied 'n Walk Thru the Bible kursus aan: "Prayer of Jabez for Women". Hier neem hulle deel aan die groepsbesprekings. 12 vroue uit Masoyi, Witrivier, ons gemeente en studente van Africa School of Missions het dit bygewoon.
Belinda facilitates a Walk Thru the Bible seminar: "Prayer of Jabez for Women". Here they discuss the content in small groups. 12 women from Masoyi, White River, our church and students from Africa School of Missions attended the seminar. Alfred se studente in Masoyi kry hul sertifikate op 10 Augustus 2002 na 'n jaar se harde werk. Behalwe vir Nonhlanhla (in die middel), is almal reeds besig met fase 3 van die opleiding.
Alfred's students in Masoyi receive their certificates on 10 August 2002 after a year's hard work. Except for Nonhlanhla (in the middle), all are already busy with phase 3 of the training. |